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MCCS (Mantech Continuous Cluster Server) is a high-availability solution for mission-critical computing systems developed by Mantech
자연 재해나 시스템 장애와 같이 일반적으로 일어날 수 있는 장애 또는 테러, 강제 점거, 운용자의 실수 등
예기치 못한 상황에 의해 서비스가 중단되는 경우 등의 문제점을 해결하고 서비스의 지속을 위해 시스템의 가용성을 제공하는 고가용성 솔루션입니다 It is a highly available solution that resolves the problems with general failure such as natural disasters, or system failures, or unexpected service interruptions caused by terrors, forced occupation or an operator's mistakes and provides the system availability to maintain the service.
Normal business of companies in our current industries is conducted in computers, and most of the core information for this needs continuous service on a 24/7 basis. Mission critical systems require no downtime server infrastructure, but you will meet many types of service failures which bring in negative business impacts. 
MCCS solves these problems and provides a high-availability solution for missions-critical systems.



이 페이지의 주요 내용

Table of Contents


Offers Remote Management Web Console

MCCS는 인터넷 브라우저를 통하여 로컬 서버 혹은 원격 서버에서 MCCS를 제어, 관리할 수 있습니다. 
인터넷 브라우저에서 MCCS가 구성된 서버로 연결할 수 있으며, 별도의 환경 파일을 구성할 필요가 없습니다.
(기본 접속 url은 'httpMCCS allows user to use a web browser to control MCCS from a local server or remote server.
At each server, you can connect to the server where MCCS is configured. There is no need to configure an additional environment file.
(Default access URL is 'http://ipaddress:10080/main' 입니다.)

MCCS Configuration

MCCS Configuration is distinguished according to the disk configuration of data as listed below.


MCCS  uses 4 TCP ports for heartbeat connection.
환경을 구성할 때 등록한 포트를 기준으로 4개의 연결된 TCP 포트(기본값은 14321~14324) 와 ICMP Echo Request 를 사용합니다Four TCP ports (default is 14321~14324) registered to configure the environment and ICMP Echo Requests are used.

Check the state of a node


It is similar to process. But this is more complicated. Application works with several application or scripts such as tomcat.
MCCS does only detect on execution file, but it also brings online/ take offline/monitor the process by using pre-defined script.

Shared Disk

MCCS 는 외부 공유 스토리지에 연결된 노드의 monitors the status of I/O 경로의 상태를 감시합니다path for a node connected to the external shared storage.

Mirror Disk

클러스터에 공유디스크가 없을 경우, 데이터는 로컬 혹은 직접 연결된 스토리지에 저장됩니다. 
이런 환경에서 TCP/IP 를 통한 미러 구성요소는 변경된 데이터를 복제할 때 사용됩니다 When there is no shared disk in a cluster, data is saved in local or the direct-connected storage.
In such an environment, TCP/IP based mirror components are used to copy the changed data.


Service is a component that is managed by SCM (Service Control Management) of Window O.S. 

Virtual Name

윈도우 기반 NetBIOS 이름을 관리합니다It manages the Windows based NetBIOS names.


SCSI-LOCK uses SAN protocol which is called SCSI-3 PR(Persistent Reservation).
This is needed to prevent any data corruption which enable only one node can access a disk volume in environment where disk volumes are shared between nodes. 
