mcgroup [-u userid -pw password] [-ip node_ip_address] [-p port] -command [ group ] [-a attribute] [-r resource] [-n node] |
옵션Option | 설명Description |
-h | It prints help menu. |
-u | Designate the user ID. |
-pw | Designate the user password . |
-ip | It defines the node to access to execute command. If omitted, it will access to execute command for local node. |
-p | It specifies the port to access to execute command. |
-groupcommand | It defines group command. |
group | It enters name of the group. |
-a | [list] It defines the attribute value that should be listed if it is command. |
-r | It defines the resource to be managed. |
-n | It defines node name to be managed. |
-t | It defines the interval time. |
-dep | It shows dependency of the group or the resource. |