Versions Compared


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It is classified resources according the types and has different attributes for each type.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Resource Type

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 Resource Types

Network Interface card(NIC)


SCSI reservation agents manage LUN based locking using the SCSI3-PR (Persistent Reservation) protocols that shared storages support such as SAN.
This function can prevent data losses when no nodes in a cluster know the status of other nodes.

공유 디스크 DR


MCCS 양 노드간 공유되는  디스크를  원격지 서버로 복제, 재해 발생시 데이터를 안전하게 보존합니다. 
원격지 서버에는 MCCS가 설치되지 않습니다. 따라서 별도의 서비스 복구대책의  수립이 필요합니다. 


VxVM 디스크 그룹


Veritas Windows Volume  Manager의 디스크 그룹을 관리하기 위해 사용합니다.
디스크 그룹의 하위 볼륨 들에 대해서는 개별 관리 하지 않습니다. 


When you add a resource, this will be classified under the type as tree view structure.
For an example, when you add two NIC resource, these will be classified under the NIC type as shown below.
If you edit an attribute of resource type, this will affect all of the resources classified this type.


As shown in the figure, public and private 1 are the resources included in the NIC resource type.
If you edit an attribute of resource type, this will affect all of the resources classified this type.
For instance, if you set the MonitorInterval attribute value that defines monitoring periods to 30 seconds, the NIC resources defined as public and private1 will be all switched to 30 seconds.


Resource Type Attribute

Resource type has specified attributes for each type.
For an example, when compare to NIC and mirror disk, each service has different characteristics and has specific monitor interval, online/offline timeout and managed policies. 
In addition, even in the environment where high availability clusters are configured, if the network condition is not good, you need to adjust the monitoring timeout. Depending on the requests, you can change the attribute of each type.
Resource type attribute can be checked in the resource type attribute menu of the MCCS web console리소스 타입 별로 다른 속성 값들을 가지고 있습니다. (ex. 동일한 속성명이라도 리소스에 따라 다른 값을 가질 수 있습니다.)
또한, 리소스 타입의 속성을 변경 했을 경우 , 그룹내 해당 리소스타입에 속하는 모든 리소스에 적용됩니다.

[Figure] Resource Type Attribute View
