Attribute | Description | Type | Default | Modification | Note |
ClusterDG | Import to a cluster disk group(SCSI-3 PR function supported?) | BOOLEAN | FALSE | O |
DGName | Import/Deport target disk group. | Combo | "" | X |
MountPaths | The mounting path set for the volumes in the disk group. | STRING | "" | X |
VMPATH | Veritas volume manager installation path. | STRING | "" | X |
속성 값은 해당 리소스를 등록할 때에 입력된 값이며, '리소스 고유 속성'에서 값을 변경하거나 확인할 수 있습니다.
Attribute value of ArgList arguments are the values that are added resources and the value can be changed or viewed through ’Specified Attribute’ list on the detailed information panel.