Attribute | Description | Type | Default | Edit | Note |
ActionState | It represents the action status for the ongoing group. | STRING | X |
| |
AutoDisabled | Automatically disabled. | BOOLEAN | false | X | |
AutoFailover | Determine whether to perform automatic failover when trouble occurs within the group. | BOOLEAN | true | O | |
AutoFaultClearTIme | A failover occurs after trouble is detected, and it remains online for the given time limit. After that, all the trouble status will be removed. | INTEGER | 0 sec | O | |
AutoRestart | If a group is not started because of failures in resource for detection, determine whether to automatically start it when the resource or node is normalized. | BOOLEAN | false | O | |
*AutoStart | When the engine starts, it will notify when the group will be started automatically. | BOOLEAN | true | O | |
AutoStartNode | 엔진이 시작 되고, 원격 노드가 정상 연결 되지 않은 상태에서 그룹을 온라인 할수 있는 노드를 지정합니다Set a node which group can be online without remote node isn't connected after MCCS main process is started. | STRING | NONE | O | |
BatchAfterOnline | Set the batch file to run after a group goes online. | FILE | O | ||
BatchBeforeOffline | Set the batch file to run before a group goes offline. | FILE | O | ||
BatchTimeout | Designate the time out for running the batch file. | INTEGER | 300 sec | O | |
Enabled | It allows group to be managed.If the attribute value is set to 'false', a group cannot be controlled. | BOOLEAN | true | O | |
*Failover | Indicates whether there is an ongoing failover due to troubles. | BOOLEAN | false | X | |
GroupName | It represents the registered name of group. | NAME | X | ||
Locked | Permanent locking. Lock a group to prohibit all commands and operation. | BOOLEAN | false | X | |
MaxDependencyLevel | Designate the max vertical level that sets the dependencies among the resources in a group. | INTEGER | 20 levels | X | |
Monitored | It indicates whether all the activated resources are monitored. | BOOLEAN | X | ||
OnlineCount | It is the number of resource online within a group. '0' means that a group is terminated. | INTEGER | X | ||
Parallel | It is a group's parallel attributes. | BOOLEAN | false | X | |
PreActive | It represents the name of node where a group was executed before. | STRING | X | ||
State | The attribute represents the group status of node (online, offline, trouble, unchecked). | STRING | X | ||
TargetNodeList | It is the list of nodes in a group subject to operation. It is sorted in the increasing order of priority. This is the criterion used for selecting a target node when performing a failover. | STRING | X | ||
TLocked | The attribute indicates the status of 'temporary locking'. | BOOLEAN | false | X |