Service is a component that is managed by SCM (Service Control Management) of Window O.S.
Virtual Name (NetBIOS)
윈도우 기반 NetBIOS 이름을 관리합니다It manages the Windows based NetBIOS names.
SCSI Reservation
SCSI reservation agents manage LUN based locking using the SCSI3-PR (Persistent Reservation) 프로토콜을 사용하여 LUN 단위의 Lock 을 관리합니다.
이 기능은 클러스터의 모든 노드가 다른 노드의 상태를 알 수 없을 때 데이터 손상을 방지합니다protocols that shared storages support such as SAN.
This function can prevent data losses when no nodes in a cluster know the status of other nodes.
when you add two NIC resource, these will be classified under the NIC type as shown below.
If you edit an attribute of resource type, this will affect all of the resources classified this type.