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Comment: 한영 번역 적용 (솔트룩스)


titleContents for Chapter 7 Resource


This resource controls the Oracle database. It detects the Oracle database installed on the system, controls the service and monitors the status.


Starts the Oracle database service.

If the service is already running, terminate the service through Finish process and start it again. After the start, check the backup status to see if there is any ongoing backup process. If so, terminate it and try to open the instance again.


Terminates the Oracle database service. If there is an ongoing backup process, terminate it first.

If ShutdownOption is set to 'Abort', use the "shutdown abort" command to terminate an instance. If not, try "shutdown immediate".

When OfflineTimeout occurs, if ShutdownOption is set to 'AbortAtTimeout', use "shutdown abort" to terminate.


Monitors whether the Oracle database process is running.

Additionally, if the DoQuery attribute is set to 'true', inquire about the instance status and set the Status attribute. If the status is 'OPEN', it will conclude that execution is normal. If the status is set to other value, then it will conclude that there is "no response".

If the FaultOnQueryFailure attribute is set to 'true', "no response" is handled as a trouble.


If the monitoring results indicate the case of trouble, run the following finish process.

  1. If all the Oracle database processes are running, run the termination command.
  2. If there is any process not terminated after running the termination command, terminate it forcibly.
  3. If there is any IPC resource not finished, delete them all.


In your resource addition wizard, select a resource type for the Oracle database.


For Windows

From the list of Oracle database services installed, select a service item to manage.

[Figure]Oracle Database Resource Added


For Linux

  1. 오라클 홈디렉토리 - 오라클이 설치된 디렉토리 경로를 입력합니다.
  2. 오라클 사용자 - 데이터베이스 서비스를 실행할 사용자 계정을 입력합니다.


    사용자 계정은 홈디렉토리 소유자와 일치해야 합니다.

  3. 오라클 데이터베이스 인스턴스 - 데이터베이스 식별을 위한 Oracle home directory - Enter the directory path for Oracle.
  4. Oracle user - Enter the user account where you will run the DB service.


    User account must match the owner of the home directory.

  5. Oracle database instance - To identify the DB, enter the SID(Oracle System ID)를 입력합니다.

[그림]오라클 데이터베이스 리소스 추가 화면Figure]Oracle Database Resource Added





오프라인오라클 데이터베이스 서비스를 구성하는 프로세스들이 모두 종료된 상태입니다OfflineIt means that all the processes composing the Oracle database service are terminated.
온라인오라클 데이터베이스가 실행중인 상태이며, DoQuery 속성이 'true'일 때는 인스턴스 상태가 'OPEN'임을 의미합니다OnlineIt means that the Oracle database is running. If the DoQuery attribute is set to 'true', the instance status is 'OPEN'.
응답없음오라클 데이터베이스는 실행중이지만 인스턴스 상태가 'OPEN'이 아니거나 상태를 조회할 수 없는 상태입니다No responseIt means that the Oracle database is running, but the instance status is not 'OPEN' or you cannot inquire about its status.
장애온라인 상태에서 종료 과정을 거치지 않고 오프라인 상태 변경된 경우입니다.
TroubleIt means that it went offline from online without a termination process.


Common Attributes

SID오라클 데이터베이스 인스턴스 이름Oracle database instance nameSTRING없음NoneX
Statusv$instance로 조회되는 인스턴스 상태 v$instance is returned as the instance status

오라클 데이터베이스 종료 명령 옵션Oracle database termination command option
( "Abort" / "AbortAtTimeout" / 없음 None )

DoQuery인스턴스 상태 조회 여부Whether to inquire about the instance statusBOOLEANtrueO
FaultOnQueryFailure인스턴스 상태가 "OPEN"이 아니거나 조회할 수 없을 때 장애 처리 여부Whether to handle trouble if the instance status is not 'OPEN' or you cannot inquire about it.BOOLEANtrueO


For Windows

OracleServiceName서비스관리자Oracle database service name registered in service manager(SCM)에 등록된 오라클 데이터베이스 서비스 이름STRING없음NoneX


For Linux

OracleHome오라클 데이터베이스 소프트웨어가 설치된 폴더 경로Path for the Oracle DB SW installationSTRING없음NoneO
User오라클 데이터베이스 실행 사용자 계정Oracle database execution user accountSTRING없음NoneO