- When add a resource from a group name, select a group → right click → 'Add Resource'. Or select Edit(E) from the main menu bar → select 'Add Resource'. Or select 'Add Resource' icon from the tool bar.
Select 'SharedDisk' from Resource Type lists and click 'Next' button. When add a resource from the shared disk resource type name, this step will be skipped.
공유 디스크 리소스에 사용될 드라이브 문자를 선택하면 권장 이름을 제공해 줍니다If you select a driver character to be used for the shared disk resource, it will recommend a name.
Warning When you select a drive letter, all of driver letters of the node owns even without the volume of external shared storage is displayed. Please note that do not select the driver letter of none shared storage.
[그림] 공유 디스크 리소스 드라이브 문자 선택 화면 Figure] Shared Disk Resource Drive Character Selected- As Additional Settings, check disk option is available.
To use this option, select Use and enter check disk argument. (Default is /F)
Click 'OK' button.
[Figure] Defining check disk option Click the 'Finish' button to add the basic shared disk resource.
You can immediately check the result in the management web console.