If the replication performance is unexpectedly low, you may need to disable these features if you are unable to solve the problem.
Disable TCP Delayed ACK
In particular, delayed ACK, which is a basic property of TCP, helps to optimize transmission by waiting for a certain amount of time when sending an ACK response from the receiving end, and then collecting and processing it at a time. However, this property has a bad effect on latency and should be disabled. The following command disables this option on the network interface, which can be controlled on a per-resource basis in bsr.
This command is for Windows only. It sets TCP option values in the Windows registry and applies the contents to the network interface. You can check the registry contents in the path below to see if this option has been applied properly.
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{Interface GUID}\
TcpAckFrequency(REG_DWORD) = 1