Section | |||||||||||||
Info |
When you install MCCS, the initial user account ID is set to 'admin' and the password is set to 'password'. |
Examples of Batch script with MCCS CLI
Create CLITestGroup
Code Block | ||
| ||
@echo on
@echo ### Create a new group
set mclog="%MCCS_HOME%\bin\mclog.exe"
set mcgroup="%MCCS_HOME%\bin\mcgroup.exe"
%mclog% -n -p 4321 -s CLITestGroup -l INFO -m "Start CLI Test Code."
%mcgroup% -state CLITestGroup
if not errorlevel 1 goto end
@echo ### Create CLITestGroup.
%mclog% -n -p 4321 -s CLITestGroup -l INFO -m "Creat new group since CLITestGroup does not exist."
%mcgroup% -u admin -pw password -add CLITestGroup
%mcgroup% -u admin -pw password -modify CLITestGroup -a TargetNodeList Beta,Alpha
%mclog% -n -p 4321 -s CLITestGroup -l INFO -m "CLITestGroup is created"
%mclog% -n -p 4321 -s CLITestGroup -l INFO -m "Terminates CLI Test Node." |
Create and Online CLITestProcess in group CLITestGroup
Code Block | ||
| ||
@echo on
@echo ### Starts CLITestProcess.
set mclog="%MCCS_HOME%\bin\mclog.exe"
set mcres="%MCCS_HOME%\bin\mcres.exe"
%mclog% -n -p 4321 -s CLITestProcess -l INFO -m "Starts CLI Test Code."
@echo ### Test if CLITestProcess exist
%mcres% -u admin -pw password -list CLITestProcess
if not errorlevel 3 goto end
@echo ### CLITestProcess After creating a resource, enable it.
%mclog% -n -p 4321 -s CLITestProcess -l INFO -m "Create and cause CLITestProcess resource go online."
%mcres% -u admin -pw password -add CLITestProcess -t Process -g CLITestGroup
%mcres% -u admin -pw password -modify CLITestProcess -a Path c:\wordpad01.exe
%mcres% -u admin -pw password -modify CLITestProcess -a InteractWithDesktop true
%mcres% -u admin -pw password -enable CLITestProcess
%mcres% -u admin -pw password -online CLITestProcess -n Beta
@echo ### Monitors group state.
%mclog% -n -p 4321 -s CLITestGroup -l INFO -m "Terminates CLI Test Code."
mclog -n -p 4321 -s cli -l ERROR -m "mclog test message" |