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사이트의 환경이나 사용자의 의도에 따라서 초기 설정한 서버의 정보 중 핫빗이나 노드 이름을 변경할 필요가 생길 경우가 있습니다.

이 때 MCCS 는 핫빗 또는 노드의 이름을 수정하는 방법을 제공합니다.Depending on the user's intentions, heartbeat of nodename of the server can be changed.
Below is the instruction of how to change heartbeat


이 페이지의 주요 내용Table of Contents

Table of Contents

핫빗을 수정하는 방법

  1. 콘솔에서 클러스터를 선택합니다.
    Image Removed
    [그림] 클러스터 선택 화면
  2. 메뉴의 편집 - 핫빗 구성 편집을 선택합니다.
    Image Removed
    [그림] 핫빗 구성 편집 화면
  3. 확인을 누르면 핫빗 구성을 변경이 진행됩니다.
    Image Removed
    [그림] 핫빗 구성 변경 확인 화면
  4. 핫빗 구성 편집 초기화면이 나타납니다.
    Image Removed
    [그림] 핫빗 구성 편집 초기화면
  5. 핫빗을 수정하고 테스트 버튼으로 연결상태를 확인합니다.
    Image Removed
    [그림] 핫빗 수정 후 연결상태 테스트 화면
  6. 적용 버튼을 클릭하여 핫빗 내용을 수정한것을 적용합니다.
    Image Removed
    [그림] 핫빗 적용 확인 창 화면
  7. 엔진이 재 시작되면 재시작되었다는 메시지가 표시됩니다.
    Image Removed
    [그림] 엔진 재 시작 완료 메시지

노드이름을 변경하는 방법


How to edit heartbeat

  1. After selecting a cluster in the console, go to the 'Menu' and select 'Edit' - 'Heartbeat Config Edit'.
    Image Added
    [Figure] Edit Heartbeat Configuration View

  2. It shows heartbeat configuration setting.
    Image Added
    [Figure] Heartbeat Configuration Edit Initial View

  3. Edit heartbeat and check connection state by clicking test. 
    Image Added
    [Figure] Test Connection State after changing heartbeat

  4. Click "Yes" button to apply heartbeat changes. 
    Image Added
    [Figure] Check heartbeat changes View

  5. After applying heartbeat, wait for restart.
    Image Added
    [Figure] After Restart Engine and Waiting View

  6. When the engine is restarted, a message will appear.
    Image Added
    [Figure] Exit Console View

CLI Use(mchb command)

mchb command

Send the heartbeat related command.
You can issue the following commands: heartbeat configuration listing, heartbeat configuration, heartbeat modification, cluster name modification, and heartbeat port modification.


When you install MCCS, the initial user account ID is set to 'admin' and the password is set to 'password'.
When you run the CLI command, you need to enter the ID and the password. Otherwise, the above initial ID and password will be used.
Thus, when you change the initial user password, you must enter the ID/password in the CLI command as options.



mchb [-u userid] [-pw password] -options [-c newClustername ] [ -hbport port ] [ -node nodeName]




Display Help.

-uDesignate the user ID.

Create the user password with the -u option.


It shows the currently configured heartbeat information.


Enter the new cluster name to switch.


Enter the new heartbeat port to switch.


Change the heartbeat configuration.

-newconfigUsed when you configure the heartbeat for the first time.



You can see the heartbeat information configured.


mchb -u admin -pw password -show



The testCluster cluster name is changed to newCluster.


mchb -u admin -pw password -clustermodify -u admin -pw password -c newCluster



Change the heartbeat port to 12345.


mchb -u userid -pw password -hbport 12345



In the heartbeat lines, the Primary1 heartbeat is changed to and


mchb -u userid -pw password -hbmodify -node Active,, -node -StandBy,,



 Configure the heartbeat.
Cluster name: MCCS_Cluster
Heartbeat port: 14321 , network address of other node:
Node name: Active , StandBy


mchb -u admin -pw password -newcofig -clustername MCCS_Cluster -hbport 14321 -remote -node Active,, -node StandBy,,