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Initial configuration to access the web console

Initial web console access screen

  1. In the background, click on the MCCS link or open the web browser and access<UIPort>/main.

  2. When you access the link or URL, the following web screen will be displayed. The initial password is set to 'password'.

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    [Figure] MCCS Web Console Access View 



    You can change this Port number in the Heartbeat Setting menu and please, refer to 'Chapter 2.5. Modify HeartBeat Configuration' of MCCS user guide about this.

    - ID : Account name to connect MCCS console. The default account is 'admin'.

    - Password : Default value is 'password'.


    administrator : In this account, you can add, delete, modify the group and resource of MCCS, set the dependency or manually perform failover.
    monitor : In this account, you can only check the status of group and resource.


    You can change this in the Cluster Attributes View from Cluster Attributes tab and please, refer to 'Chapter 2. Management Web Console' of MCCS user guide about this.



  3. Press the [Login] button to start the initial heartbeat setting.

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    [Figure] Edit heartbeat configuration

Heartbeat Configuration

  1. Enter cluster name as your definition and click on "Server Connection" to bring informations of host identities.
    Next step is unable to proceed if the network is not connected. If there was an existing heartbeat configurationconfiguration, its information will be remained.

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    [Figure] Initial Heartbeat Settings


  2. Enter hostname or IP address of the node.
    MCCS will brings and shows hostname and network informations for the node.
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    [Figure] Server Connection

  3. Edit node name as your definition and select IP address for heartbeat and mirror network.

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    [Figure] Select IP address



    Default node name is host name of the node. Node name for clustering doest not must be identical to it's host name.
    MCCS needs at least 2 heartbeat configuration, 3 heartbeat is recommended. 



  4. Click 'Test' to verify connectivities between two nodes.
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    [Figure] Verifying connectivities between nodes



    Mirror line is data replication network for replication program. Each pair of IP address between nodes must be on the same subnet.
    If these subnet are not matched between nodes, 'Test' button for verification will not be enabled.
    When you use mirror disk resource, you can configure three heartbeats.
    It is highly recommended to configure the heartbeats at least three when you use mirror disk resource.

  5. Click 'Yes' button, when you confirm for heartbeat configuration.
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    [Figure] Applying Heartbeat configuration

  6. Click 'OK' button to complete.
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    [Figure] Heartbeat configuration is completed 

Web Console Connection

When you first connect the MCCS console after configure heartbeat, you may need to update or enter an valid license key if you doesn't enter this during installation.

  1. Access the MCCS web console. Enter the password. Click on Access to access the console. 
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    [Figure] MCCS Web Console Access and Login Screen

  2. Select Windows(W)->Preferences.
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    [Figure] MCCS main web console  

  3. Click 'License Update' button for each node in the 'License Information'.
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    [Figure] Preferences View

  4. Enter a valid license key (temp. or perm.) for both nodes.
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    [Figure] Entering an valid license key


※ License Expire : Temporary license of MCCS is 90 days. If Temporary license is expires, you must be issued new temporary or permanent license. 
If there is no license file or license expires after 15 days, MCCS works restrict mode. So faults are occured MCCS does not failover.

After heartbeat configuration and license update, you will create a Cluster Group and add a resource in this at next step. 
For more details about this, Please refer to 'Chapter 5. Resource Group, Chapter 7. Resource' of 'MCCS User Guide' document.