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Features of MCCS
MCCS는 네트워크 카드, 가상 IP, 프로세스, 사용자 프로그램, ScsiLock 디스크, 공유 디스크, 미러 디스크, 윈도우즈 서비스를 리소스로 등록하여 관리합니다MCCS registers network cards, virtual IP addresses, processes, user programs, SCSILock disks, shared disks, mirror disks, windows services, Shared disk DR, VxVM disk group and Oracle database as resources for the management purposes.
Service Level Fault Detection and Automatic Failover
MCCS not only detect on hardware, but it also offers detection on resources (such as network connection, application, platform, disk, etc) as well.
Therefore, if the managed resources are not working properly, it will be either restarted or failovered to the standby server according to the defined action policies.
Support External Shared Storage and Local Disk Replication Environment
MCCS는 로컬 디스크 복제 환경과 공유 디스크 환경을 모두 지원합니다.
이를 통해 고가용성의 디스크 시스템 구축에 보다 유연성 있는 정책의 선택지를 사용자에게 제공합니다.
Cluster between Heterogeneous Platforms
MCCS is not influenced greatly by the hardware compatibility in a cluster. MCCS supports both the copy environment of local disk and the shared disk environment.
Thus, it can enable users to select more flexible policies for implementation of highly available disk systems.
H/W compatibility
MCCS is a common solution not limited to specific H/W manufacturers or models.
Thus, there is no need to use the exact same hardware between the nodes in a cluster.
하드웨어 호환성
MCCS는 특정 하드웨어의 제조사 또는 모델에 영향을 받지 않는 범용의 솔루션입니다.
따라서 클러스터를 구성하는 노드 간에 동일한 하드웨어를 사용하여 IT 서비스를 구성할 필요가 없습니다.
configure the IT service by using the same H/W for the nodes composing a cluster.
Remote Disaster Recovery
MCCS is a high availability that can be configured with no distance limitation between nodes.
That means standby server can be easily configured on a remote site without extra charge.
관리 웹 콘솔(Management Web Console) 제공
MCCS는 웹브라우저를 통하여 로컬 서버 혹은 원격 서버에서 MCCS를 제어하고 관리할 수 있습니다. 각 서버에서는 URL과 로그인 정보를 이용하여 MCCS가 구성된 서버로 연결할 수 있으며, 별도의 환경 파일을 구성할 필요가 없습니다.
다중 그룹(Multi-Group) 환경 구성 지원
Provides the Management Web Console
MCCS allows user to use a web browser to control and manage MCCS from a local server or remote server. At each server, you can use the URL and login information to connect to the server where MCCS is configured. There is no need to configure an additional environment file.
Support Multi Group
A Group is a group of resources (ex. networks cards, IP addresses, disk, applications) that manage trouble monitoring, recovery and failovers in MCCS, based on the dependency.
It is the unit of resource group where failover occurs.Within a cluster, you can configure multiple groups. For this reason, you can make Active/Standby or Active/Active configurations. (Active/Active configuration means that each server operates different service.)
MCCS supports a failover group and a parallel group at the same time. In the multiple group environment, each group operates independently.