Section | |||||||||||||
There are two way to add a resource which one is select this from a group name and another is select this from a resource type.
Adding in Group
Add the Windows service resource to a group.
- When add a resource from a group name, select a group -> → right click -> → 'Add Resource'.
[Figure] Adding Resource in a group - Select 'Service' from Resource Type lists and click 'Next' button.
[Figure] Select resource wizard View - Next steps are same as adding in resource type.
Adding in Resource Type
- ResourceType - Right Click - Click Add Resource
[Figure] Adding Resource in a resource type
This is initial screen for adding service resource.
[Figure] Adding Service resource view
Enter service name and it will automatically search and suggest proper service name.
Select the service to be managed.
[Figure] Search service resource and suggest name viewService Resource Added- Click "Finish" and service resource is added.
[Figure] Adding service resource is completedthe 'Finish' button to add the basic application resource.
You can immediately check the result in the management web console.
Select resource type - → right click - → delete resource.
The deleted resource will immediately disappear from the management web console.
Warning |
After deleting the service resource, if another resource is added, the changed status values and start type will not revert to the original. |
Change the Start Type from 'Manual' to 'Auto'. Change the Status value from 'Stopped' to 'Started'.) |
[Figure] Delete resource view
The following table explains the status switching of the MCCS resource caused by a user's command and the status.
The command assumes that it is generated by a user.
Windows service agent: Directly manages the service registered in Windows SCM (Service Control Manager)에 등록된 서비스를 직접 관리합니다.
Status | Agent | 가능 명령command | 설명Description | 비고Note | |
온라인 윈도우 서비스가 정상 작동 중입니다Online Windows service is operating properly. | 오프라인 | 윈도우 서비스를 중지합니다. 다음 명령과 동일한 효과를 갖습니다Offline | Terminates windows service. It has the same effects as the following command. | ||
모니터링 | 윈도우 서비스 상태를 파악합니다. 다음 명령으로 인한 결과 값을 참조합니다Monitoring | The status of Windows service is assessed. Refer to the results from running the following command. | |||
오프라인 윈도우 서비스가 중지된 상태입니다Offline Windows service is terminated. | 온라인 | 윈도우 서비스를 시작합니다. 다음 명령과 동일한 효과를 갖습니다Online | Windows service is started. It has the same effects as the following command. | ||
모니터링 | 윈도우 서비스 상태를 파악합니다. 다음 명령으로 인한 결과 값을 참조합니다Monitoring | The status of Windows service is assessed. Refer to the results from running the following command. | 장애 윈도우 서비스가 정상적으로 작동하지 않는 상태입니다. | 온라인 | 윈도우 서비스를 시작합니다. 다음 명령과 동일한 효과를 갖습니다|
Fault Windows service is not operating properly. | Online | Windows service is started. It has the same effects as the following command. C:\> SC START SERVICE_NAME EX) SC START SQLSERVER | |||
오프라인 | 윈도우 서비스를 중지합니다. 다음 명령과 동일한 효과를 갖습니다Offline | Terminates windows service. It has the same effects as the following command. C:\> SC STOP SERVICE_NAME EX) SC STOP SQLSERVER |
[Figure] Window Service AttributeDisplay the unique attribute of Windows service resource.
Attribute | Description | Type | Default | Edit | Note |
ServiceName | It is a name of the window service to be monitored. | STRING | X |
Attribute value of ArgList arguments are the values that are added resources and the value can be changed or viewed through 'Specified Attribute’ list on the detailed information panel.
Info |
윈도우 서비스 리소스를 등록할 경우, 해당 서비스는 자동시작이 중지됩니다.If you register the Windows service resource, the service will not be automatically started. |