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 이 페이지의 주요 내용Table of Contents

Table of Contents


  • MCCS_windows_4.exe

For 64 bit

  • MCCS_windows_x64_4.exe

Language Selection

When execute installer a dialog box of 'Choose Setup Language' appears as below.
Selected language will be used as the primary language of MCCS.

[Figure] Language Selection Screen

Start Installation


This is the initial setup window of MCCS installation wizard.
Click [Next] to proceed to the next step.

[Figure] MCCS Initial Installation View


Select start menu group of MCCS.
To configure start menu for user only, do not check on 'Create Short Cut to all users"'.

[Figure] MCCS Start Menu Group Selection


SingleNodeCluster Setup can be selected. 


A single node cluster is a cluster made of a single node.
투노드 클러스터로 MCCS를 구성 할 시에는 설정페이지에 체크하지 마십시오. Do not check the setting page when you configure MCCS by using a two node cluster.

SingleNodeCluster Setup does not require any other settings to run MCCS in a node.


[Figure] Selection of SW component

웹 콘솔 접속 포트 설정



Web console access port setting

Set the web console access port (UIPort)를 설정합니다 설정된 웹 콘솔은 웹 브라우저로 MCCS 웹 콘솔에 접속하기 위해 사용됩니다.
기본 포트는 10080 이 됩니다The configured web console is used to access the MCCS web console by using a web browser.
Default port is 10080

[그림Figure] MCCS UIPort 설정 화면Setting

Start Installation

[Figure] Start MCCS Installation View


[Figure]  Reboot System View


When it finishes rebooting, MCCS installation will be finished.



Check Installation

When the installation is finished successfully, in the background, a shortcut icon to the MCCS web console will be created and there will be the 'MCCS' folder in 'Program' of the 'Start' menu.

[Figure] MCCS Folder Screen


Subfolders Basically Installed in the MCCS Folder

  • bin
    MCCS가 동작하기 위한 프로그램들입니다Programs that start/run MCCS.
  • config
    설치와 운영 중에 설정된 프로그램 환경 파일들입니다Program configuration files created during installation and operation.
  • jre
    Files related to 'Java runtime environment에 관련된 파일들입니다environment'.
  • logs 
    MCCS 로그파일이 저장됩니다log files are saved in this folder.

Language Change

설치 초기에 선택된 언어("언어 선택"편 참조)가 기본 작동 언어로 사용됩니다.
사용 언어를 변경하고자 할 때에는 다음과 같이 언어 변경 작업을 해야 합니다.
언어 변경은 양 쪽 서버에서 모두 진행되어야 합니다Language that is set during initial installation (Refer to "Language Selection") is the language that is used.
To change the language, please follows these steps on both servers.

  1. Close the web console.
  2. Terminate the 'MCCS Agent' service in Window service of the both nodes.
  3. At the both nodes, open the MccsServer.ini (file location: %MCCS_HOME%\bin\) file and switch to the new language as follows and save it
    If you change the language in the mccsserver.ini file, the log output will be generated in that language. 
    If you want to change the language for the web console, refer to "MCCS User Manual: Appendix E. Environment Setting".
    • Korean → ko
    • English → en
    • Chinese → zh_CN
      [그림Figure] Language Change in the mccsserver.ini 파일의 언어 변경 화면file

  4. In Window service of the both nodes, start the 'MCCS Agent' service.
  5. After accessing the MCCS web console, check the changes made.