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 Key Attribute*CriticalWhen a failure occurs in the resource it indicated whether to failover the whole group.BOOLEAN X 

It is used when deciding whether to manage the resource. 
Resource Enable : true
Resource Disable: false

General AttributeAgentState

It indicates the agent state of the resource.
A user cannot modify it on their own. It is displayed after collecting all the agent status for all the nodes in the MCCS engine.



This is a batch command to be executed after a resource is taken offline.  
Success or failure of the batch file does not affect group procedure.  
Also, it still operates regardless of other resource online or offline. 



This is a batch command to be executed after a resource is brought online.  
Success or failure of batch does not affect group procedure.  
Also, it still operates regardless of other resource online or offline.


This is a batch command to be executed before a resource is brought online.  
Success or failure of batch does not affect group procedure.  
Also, it still operates regardless of other resource online or offline. 


This is a batch command to be executed before a resource is taken offline.  
Success or failure of batch does not affect group procedure.  
Also, it still operates regardless of other resource online or offline.


It is the waiting time until execution of batch command completes. If execution result is over this time, it is considered as a failure. 


This program is executed to initialize related resources and state when a failure occurs to a resource. This program must be written separately.



It is the waiting time until the execution of Enable completes. If the execution result is over this time, it is considered as a failure. (unit = second)INTEGER60 secO 
FailoverableIt indicates whether the resource is in the state to be failover.BOOLEAN X 
GroupIt is the name of the group which the resource belongsSTRING X 

It is name of the node on which state of the resource is online lastly.


Depending on the 'MonitorTimeout', attribute values for the resource types, it record periodically whether each node's monitoring is finished.


It represents the action attribute of the resource.
If the attribute is set to true, the resource cannot go online or offline but it is rather a monitor resource that can only monitor. A network card is set to false.

ResNameIt is the name of the resource.NAME X 

It shows the number to restart before failover when the resource is determined as a failure. 

StateIt is the resource state of each node.STRING X 
TypeIt is the name of the agent type of the resource.STRING X 



Copied resource name is defined which '_number'is added from original name by default and this can be editable.
ex) Original name is 'UserProgram', copied name will be 'UserProgram_1'. When you copy this resource again, second copied name will be 'UserProgram_2'.

Depending on the resource type, you need to enter extra information if necessary.


CLI Use (mcres command)

It sends MCCS resources related commands. Commands such as add, delete, online, offline, edit of resource can be done.



mcres [-u userid -pw password] [-n ip node_ip_address] [-p port] -command [ resource ] [ -g group ] [ -n node]
mcres [-u userid -pw password] [-n ip node_ip_address] [-p port] -add [ resource ] [ -t resource_type ] [ -g group ]
mcres [-u userid -pw password] [-n ip node_ip_address] [-p port] -monitor [ group_name ] [ -t interval(seconds)]
mcres [-u userid -pw password] [-n ip node_ip_address] [-p port] -modify [ resource ] [-a attribute attribute_value] [ -g group ] [ -n node]





It prints help menu.

-uDesignate the user account ID.
-pwEnter the user password.


It defines the node to access to execute command. If omitted, it will access to execute command for local node.


It defines the port to access to execute command. If omitted, it will access to the default value which is 4321, and when you define specific port number as heartbeat, enter this followed by --p.


It defines resource command.

(add, delete, enable, disable, monitor, modify, link, unlink, local, Global, Online, Offline, Offlineprop, Probe, clear, list)


It enters resource name.


[list] It defines the attribute value that should be listed if it is command.  
[modify] It defines the attribute and attribute value that should be changed if it is command.  
attribute: It defines the values of the group.  
attribute_value: It defines the values that should be changed.


It defines resource type when it is [-add] command. It specifies time interval when it is [-monitor] command.


It defines group name to be managed.


It defines node name to be managed.



mcres -u admin -pw password -modify testResource -a attribute attribute_value [ -n node ]


Modify a value of ‘User’ attribute of testResource to administrator in testNode



mcres -u admin -pw password -local testResource -r testResource -a attribute



Set a value of attribute of the testResource to all node.
It is used publicly so that values can be inserted with common values for all nodes. 


mcres -u admin -pw password -global -r testResource -a attribute [value]




mcres -u admin -pw password -global testResource -r testResource -a User administrator



Bring online testResource on testNode.


mcres -u admin -pw password -online testResource -n testNode

