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Info |
MCCS 는 설치시 최초 사용자 계정으로 id 가 When you install MCCS, the initial user account ID is set to 'admin' 암호가 and the password is set to 'password'인 계정을 생성합니다. |
CLI를 이용한 script (CLI 활용 예)
When you run the CLI command, you need to enter the ID and the password. Otherwise, the above initial ID and password will be used. |
Examples of Batch script with MCCS CLI
Create CLITestGroup
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@echo on @echo ### CLITestGroupCreate 그룹이a 없다면new 신규 그룹을 생성합니다. group set mclog="%MCCS_HOME%\bin\mclog.exe" set mcgroup="%MCCS_HOME%\bin\mcgroup.exe" %mclog% -n -p 4321 -s CLITestGroup -l INFO -m "Start CLI 테스트Test 코드를 실행합니다Code." %mcgroup% -state CLITestGroup if not errorlevel 1 goto end @echo ### CLITestGroup을Create 생성합니다CLITestGroup. %mclog% -n -p 4321 -s CLITestGroup -l INFO -m "CLITestGroup이 존재 하지 않아 그룹을 생성합니다Creat new group since CLITestGroup does not exist." %mcgroup% -u admin -pw password -add CLITestGroup %mcgroup% -u admin -pw password -modify CLITestGroup -a TargetNodeList Beta,Alpha %mclog% -n -p 4321 -s CLITestGroup -l INFO -m "CLITestGroup을 생성했습니다.CLITestGroup is created" :end %mclog% -n -p 4321 -s CLITestGroup -l INFO -m "Terminates CLI 테스트Test 코드를 종료합니다Node." |
Create and Online CLITestProcess in group CLITestGroup
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@echo on @echo ### CLITestProcess를Starts 시작합니다CLITestProcess. set mclog="%MCCS_HOME%\bin\mclog.exe" set mcres="%MCCS_HOME%\bin\mcres.exe" %mclog% -n -p 4321 -s CLITestProcess -l INFO -m "Starts CLI 테스트Test 코드를 실행합니다Code." @echo ### CLITestProcess가Test 있는지if 검사합니다.CLITestProcess exist %mcres% -u admin -pw password -list CLITestProcess if not errorlevel 3 goto end :cliTestProcessCreat @echo ### CLITestProcess 리소스를After creating 생성한a 후에resource, 활성화enable 시킵니다it. %mclog% -n -p 4321 -s CLITestProcess -l INFO -m "Create and cause CLITestProcess 리소스를resource 생성하고go 온라인 시킵니다online." %mcres% -u admin -pw password -add CLITestProcess -t Process -g CLITestGroup %mcres% -u admin -pw password -modify CLITestProcess -a Path c:\wordpad01.exe %mcres% -u admin -pw password -modify CLITestProcess -a InteractWithDesktop true %mcres% -u admin -pw password -enable CLITestProcess %mcres% -u admin -pw password -online CLITestProcess -n Beta :end @echo ### 그룹Monitors 상태를group 모니터링 합니다state. %mclog% -n -p 4321 -s CLITestGroup -l INFO -m "Terminates CLI 테스트Test 코드를 종료합니다Code." mclog -n -p 4321 -s cli -l ERROR -m "mclog test message" |