This is managed Windows services
Window Services is a process that is managed by SCM(Service Control Management) of Windows O.S. The service managed by SCM includes kernel driver but those are not managed by MCCS agent.
Commonly, it can be used when dealing with package software like MS-SQL or Oracle DB.
Most of the setting values of Window Services are defined by the user are maintained except two values when these are managed by MCCS windows service agent.
Startup of service will be changed manually and will be changed not to do any action after failing from recovery.This delegates service start/stop/restart to MCCS.
Table of Contents
윈도우 서비스 리소스를 그룹에 추가합니다.
- When add a resource from a group name, select a group → right click → 'Add Resource'.
- Select 'Service' from Resource Type lists and click 'Next' button.
- Enter service name and it will automatically search and suggest proper service name.
Select the service to be managed.
[그림] 서비스 리소스 추가 화면 - 완료 버튼을 클릭하면 기본 응용 리소스가 추가 되며,
관리 웹 콘솔 상에서 바로 확인이 가능합니다.
Select resource type → right click → delete resource.
삭제된 리소스는 관리 웹콘솔 상에서 바로 사라집니다.
After deleting the service resource, if another resource is added, the changed status values and start type will not revert to the original.
After deleting it. go to the service windows (services.msc) and reset the setting.
(ex: Change the Start Type from 'Manual' to 'Auto'. Change the Status value from 'Stopped' to 'Started'.)
[Figure] Delete resource view
The following table explains the status switching of the MCCS resource caused by a user's command and the status.
The command assumes that it is generated by a user.
Windows service agent: Directly manages the service registered in Windows SCM (Service Control Manager).
Status | Agent command | Description | Note |
Online Windows service is operating properly. | Offline | Terminates windows service. It has the same effects as the following command. | |
Monitoring | The status of Windows service is assessed. Refer to the results from running the following command. | ||
Offline Windows service is terminated. | Online | Windows service is started. It has the same effects as the following command. | |
Monitoring | The status of Windows service is assessed. Refer to the results from running the following command. | ||
Trouble Windows service is not operating properly. | Online | Windows service is started. It has the same effects as the following command. C:\> SC START SERVICE_NAME EX) SC START SQLSERVER | |
Offline | Terminates windows service. It has the same effects as the following command. C:\> SC STOP SERVICE_NAME EX) SC STOP SQLSERVER |
윈도우 서비스 리소스의 고유 속성을 표시 합니다.
Attribute | Description | Type | Default | Edit | Note |
ServiceName | It is a name of the window service to be monitored. | STRING | X |
Attribute value of ArgList arguments are the values that are added resources and the value can be changed or viewed through 'Specified Attribute’ list on the detailed information panel.
If you register the Windows service resource, the service will not be automatically started.