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What is Resource?
Resource Attributes
Resource attribute can be identified from Resource Attributes view of MCCS console. From the group management view of MCCS console, select the resource, then select ‘Resource Attributes’ tab located on the top of detailed information panel.
The values of gray colored are read only. They just contain and show the information of resource state. The values of white colored are configurable by user definition. Below is description of some of them.
Attribute | Description | Type | Default | Edit | 비고 | |||||
Key Attribute | *Critical | When a failure occurs in the resource it indicated whether to failover the whole group. | BOOLEAN | X | ||||||
*Enabled | It is used when deciding whether to manage the resource. | BOOLEAN | X | |||||||
General Attribute | *AgentState | It indicates the agent state of the resource. | STRING | X | 사용자가 임의로 수정할 수 없으며, MCCS엔진에서 모든 노드의 에이전트 상태를 수집한 후에 나타냅니다. | STRING | X | |||
BatchAfterOffline | This is a batch command to be executed after a resource is taken offline. | FILE | O | |||||||
BatchAfterOnline | This is a batch command to be executed after a resource is brought online. | FILE | O | |||||||
BatchBeforeOffline | This is a batch command to be executed before a resource is taken offline. | FILE | O | |||||||
BatchBeforeOnline | This is a batch command to be executed before a resource is brought online. | FILE | O | |||||||
BatchTimeout | It is the waiting time until execution of batch command completes. If execution result is over this time, it is considered as a failure. (unit = second) | INTEGER | 300초 | O | ||||||
*CleanProgram | This program is executed to initialize related resources and state when a failure occurs to a resource. This program must be written separately. | FILE | O | |||||||
Failoverable | It indicates whether the resource is in the state to be failover. | BOOLEAN | X | |||||||
*Group | It is the name of the group which the resource belongs. | STRING | X | |||||||
LastOnline | It is name of the node on which state of the resource is online lastly. | STRING | ||||||||
*Monitored | It periodically records whether monitoring is completed. | BOOLEAN | X | |||||||
*NoAction | It is only for persistent resources. If it is 'true', action like Online, Offline, other than monitoring will be prohibited. | BOOLEAN | X | |||||||
*ResName | It is the name of the resource. | NAME | X | |||||||
Restartlimit | It shows the number to restart before failover when the resource is determined as a failure. | INTEGER | 0회 | O | ||||||
*State | It is the resource state of each node. | STRING | X | |||||||
*Type | It is the name of the agent type of the resource. | STRING | X |
[Figure] Resource Control Menus
A resource can be managed easily through MCCS console. From the group management view of MCCS console, select the resource and right click , then control menu will be pop up.
Another way to select group from the group management view of MCCS console, is to select ‘Resource Dependency’ tab from detailed information panel, select the resource and right click, then control menu will be pop upMCCS에서 리소스를 다루기 위한 명령은 관리 콘솔에서 왼쪽 뷰의 리소스를 선택한 후에 마우스의 오른쪽 클릭으로 생성된 팝업 화면에서 선택할 수 있습니다.
또 다른 곳은 그룹을 선택한 후에 '리소스 의존성' 탭에서 해당 리소스에 마우스의 오른쪽을 클릭하면 리소스와 같은 팝업 화면을 생성시킬 수 있습니다.
이 외에도 콘솔의 메뉴 항목이나 툴 바 메뉴에서 명령을 내릴 수 있으며 있으며 CLI 로도 로도 가능합니다.
Enable Resource
This can be checked by checking of there is a enabled check mark in front of the command. This can also be checked by checking on the Enabled value in the Resource Attribute. If the resource is disabled, resource state cannot be monitored.
If the attribute value is incorrect, this will be failed. For example, when type a wrong path name in the process of application, monitoring whether it is online or offline is impossible. Therefore, whenever this is failed, attribute value should be checked first.
You can bring a resource online by using this.
From here, there are sub menus per node so that nodes to be online can be selected. Sub menus can be 'Enabled' or 'Disabled' according to the resource state per node. For example, failover mode group cannot send enabled command when it is online in the temporary node.
This is because failover mode group should only have one node online and if there is one node that is already online, online menu is not enabled. However, in case of parallel mode group, it is all enabled if it is not in an online state.
Failover mode group should only have one node online and so node that is online can start the Online command. When this is selected, you can choose appropriate node from the sub menu which shows nodes list. When the resource is already online state, all of the node icons will be disabled at failover mode group.
But the node will be enabled which the resource isn’t online state at parallel mode group.
ex> Paste Network Card Resource view
[Figure] Paste Network Card Resource View