Resources are defined as hardware or software entities which are needed to provide application service.
Ethernet adapter, IP Address, Process, Service, Storage, etc are resources and MCCS manage these to ensure service availability.
There are two categories of these, one is on-off resource, another is persistent resource.
Most resources are normal which means MCCS online or offline them as their state. The other hands, a persistent resource cannot be brought online or taken offline, just only monitor them by MCCS.
Resource action is divided into regular resource(OnOff) and monitor resource(None).
Most of the resources are regular resources that goes Online or Offline according to the resource state.
Monitor resources are only able to monitor and does not go online or offline like regular resources.
For an instance, network interface card cannot be brought online or taken offline as its state. But it is essential resource to attach IP address on that.
Agents for each type of resource are in-charge of giving command and monitoring.
이 페이지의 주요 내용
Resource Attributes
Resource attribute can be identified from Resource Attributes view of MCCS console. From the group management view of MCCS console, select the resource, then select ‘Resource Attributes’ tab located on the top of detailed information panel.
The values of gray colored are read only. They just contain and show the information of resource state. The values of white colored are configurable by user definition. Below is description of some of them.
[Figure] Resource Attribute View
Attribute | Description | Type | Default | Edit | 비고 | |
Key Attribute | *Critical | When a failure occurs in the resource it indicated whether to failover the whole group. | BOOLEAN | X | ||
*Enabled | It is used when deciding whether to manage the resource. | BOOLEAN | X | |||
General Attribute | *AgentState | It indicates the agent state of the resource. | STRING | X | ||
BatchAfterOffline | This is a batch command to be executed after a resource is taken offline. | FILE | O | |||
BatchAfterOnline | This is a batch command to be executed after a resource is brought online. | FILE | O | |||
BatchBeforeOffline | This is a batch command to be executed before a resource is taken offline. | FILE | O | |||
BatchBeforeOnline | This is a batch command to be executed before a resource is brought online. | FILE | O | |||
BatchTimeout | It is the waiting time until execution of batch command completes. If execution result is over this time, it is considered as a failure. (unit = second) | INTEGER | 300초 | O | ||
*CleanProgram | This program is executed to initialize related resources and state when a failure occurs to a resource. This program must be written separately. | FILE | O | |||
Failoverable | It indicates whether the resource is in the state to be failover. | BOOLEAN | X | |||
*Group | It is the name of the group which the resource belongs. | STRING | X | |||
LastOnline | It is name of the node on which state of the resource is online lastly. | STRING | ||||
*Monitored | It periodically records whether monitoring is completed. | BOOLEAN | X | |||
*NoAction | It is only for persistent resources. If it is 'true', action like Online, Offline, other than monitoring will be prohibited. | BOOLEAN | X | |||
*ResName | It is the name of the resource. | NAME | X | |||
Restartlimit | It shows the number to restart before failover when the resource is determined as a failure. | INTEGER | 0회 | O | ||
*State | It is the resource state of each node. | STRING | X | |||
*Type | It is the name of the agent type of the resource. | STRING | X |
※ There is no attributes attached "※" icon in monitor only resource like Network Interface Card
This attribute shows to failover (true) or not (false) when failure has occured.
Default is set as true, and most of the resources are set as a true value. For resources that is not as important or resources that cannot be failover are set as false.
Critical values affects failover mode group only, does not affect parallel mode group. Critical attribute can be considered alone but there are many things to be considered if it has linked dependency among resources.
For an example, none critical resource on which critical resource(parent) depends, group failover will be occurred because one of critical resource cannot be provide proper service.
It shows resources are enabled which can be monitored, online and offline as state.
A resource cannot be used right after it has been created, and it must be checked ‘enable’, when has been successful configured to be used.
Agent, a MCCS component is in detached state when create a resource for the first time.
In this state, Resource and group is disabled which cannot be managed like online, offline, switch and etc.
If you check 'enable' after completing the configuration, agent executes the probing stage in which flaws in the configuration are detected.
If it is considered normally configured, both the resource and agent turn into offline state.
*BatchAfterOffline / BatchAfterOnline / BatchBeforeOnline / BatchBeforeOffline
It is used when there is additional command to be sent before the resource is online or after the resource is offline. Name of the user created batch or script file with path name is registered as value.
For an example, if an application that leads many child processes has gone offline by command, but child processes were not terminated normally. When this happens, a script file is needed to be used so that child processes can be all terminated.
This command does not affect group Online/Offline of MCCS. In other words, MCCS does the group online even though the command has failed. Only result of the command execution write in the log.
BatchTimeout can be defined the timeout value of the result of batch execution.
It avoids a deadlock when exceptional situation occurs during the execution of scripts and other resources cannot be controlled.
If the script is not executed when offline or online attempts are made, stop further procedures and wait for the control of the administrator.
Resource State
[Figure] Resource State View
The resource state can be checked on resource state view of MCCS console.
From the group management view of MCCS console, select the resource and select ‘Resource Status’ tab from detailed information panel. The resource status will be shown.
Resource states are as below
Resource is running.
Resource has been stopped.
Resource has been failed.
Resource is not being monitored since it is not enabled.
Resource Control
[Figure] Resource Control Menus
MCCS에서 리소스를 다루기 위한 명령은 관리 콘솔에서 왼쪽 뷰의 리소스를 선택한 후에 마우스의 오른쪽 클릭으로 생성된 팝업 화면에서 선택할 수 있습니다.
또 다른 곳은 그룹을 선택한 후에 '리소스 의존성' 탭에서 해당 리소스에 마우스의 오른쪽을 클릭하면 리소스와 같은 팝업 화면을 생성시킬 수 있습니다.
이 외에도 콘솔의 메뉴 항목이나 툴 바 메뉴에서 명령을 내릴 수 있으며 CLI 로도 가능합니다.
Enable Resource
This can be checked by checking of there is a enabled check mark in front of the command. This can also be checked by checking on the Enabled value in the Resource Attribute. If the resource is disabled, resource state cannot be monitored.
If the attribute value is incorrect, this will be failed. For example, when type a wrong path name in the process of application, monitoring whether it is online or offline is impossible. Therefore, whenever this is failed, attribute value should be checked first.
Group Failover for failure
This is about Critical attribute, and this can be checked through the check mark in front of this.
If this value is checked, that means when failure occurs, group will failover to the other node. This is not the case for the parallel group.
Probe Now
When an agent monitors the resource state, it probes that periodically. But when you use ‘Probe Now’, the agent probes the resource right away that this is ready to use.
When you modify a value of resource attribute, this may not be applied right away. But you can verify this modification is applied by using this right away.
You can bring a resource online by using this.
From here, there are sub menus per node so that nodes to be online can be selected. Sub menus can be 'Enabled' or 'Disabled' according to the resource state per node. For example, failover mode group cannot send enabled command when it is online in the temporary node.
This is because failover mode group should only have one node online and if there is one node that is already online, online menu is not enabled. However, in case of parallel mode group, it is all enabled if it is not in an online state.
Failover mode group should only have one node online and so node that is online can start the Online command. When this is selected, you can choose appropriate node from the sub menu which shows nodes list. When the resource is already online state, all of the node icons will be disabled at failover mode group.
But the node will be enabled which the resource isn’t online state at parallel mode group.
If there is a fault mark in the resource, in which that has been failed, it should be cleared first before sending the that is online. This is because MCCS regards cause of the fault is not identified yet.
There are some considerations for dependency as well. To online a resource, if there is a child resource, child resource should be online state first. Since there is a dependency, if the child resource is not online state, parent resource cannot be online as well.
When the child resource exists, you should check that is online state before the resource bring online.
You can take a resource offline by using this.
Similar to Online, you can choose appropriate node from the sub menu.
One thing that has to be careful when offline is when there is a parent resource.
Therefore, if there is an online parent resource, a dialog box appears asking ‘There is an online resource dependent. Would you like to stop parent resources too?’
Offline Propagation
You can take a resource including parent resources offline by using this.
If there is an online parent resource, a dialog box appears asking ‘There is an online resource dependent. Would you like to stop parent resources too?’
Clear Fault
You can clear the fault mark on a resource icon by using this. You can choose appropriate node from the sub menu.
Clear fault on one resource is only for that particular resource, but clear fault for group is for all the resources in the group.
You can delete a resource by using this.
Copy and Paste Resource
It is an annoyance if attribute value is entered whenever a new resource is created.
When you add a new resource same as type of resource which is already exist, you can use this function.
Copied resource maintain same values as original one and can be pasted on any group.
After paste the resource, you can edit the values.
Attribute values that is copied resource are basically same as original resource.
Therefore, attribute of pasted resource should be edited according to the situation so that it does not duplicate with copied resource.
Resource Copy
- Right click on the resource to be copy and select "Copy Resource".
[Figure] Copy Resource View - Right click on the resource to be paste and select "Paste Resource".
[Figure] Paste Resource View
Resource Paste
새로 추가 할 리소스의 네트워크 어댑터를 선택하시고 리소스 이름을 명명하면 됩니다.
Copied resource name is defined which '_number'is added from original name by default and this can be editable.
ex) Original name is 'UserProgram', copied name will be 'UserProgram_1'. When you copy this resource again, second copied name will be 'UserProgram_2'.
ex> Paste Network Card Resource view
[Figure] Paste Network Card Resource View
mcres command
It sends MCCS resources related commands. Commands such as add, delete, online, offline, edit of resource can be done.
MCCS 는 설치시 최초 사용자 계정으로 id 가 'admin' 암호가 'password'인 계정을 생성합니다.
CLI 명령을 실행시 id 와 password를 입력하지 않으면 , 위의 최초 사용자 계정의 id와 암호로 실행됩니다.
따라서 최초 사용자의 패스워드 변경시, 필수적으로 CLI 명령에 id와 password를 옵션으로 입력해야만 합니다.
mcres [-u userid -pw password] [-n node_ip_address] [-p port] -command [ resource ] [ -g group ] [ -n node] mcres [-u userid -pw password] [-n node_ip_address] [-p port] -add [ resource ] [ -t resource_type ] [ -g group ] mcres [-u userid -pw password] [-n node_ip_address] [-p port] -monitor [ group_name ] [ -t interval(seconds)] mcres [-u userid -pw password] [-n node_ip_address] [-p port] -modify [ resource ] [-a attribute attribute_value] [ -g group ] [ -n node] |
옵션 | 설명 |
-h | It prints help menu. |
-u | 사용자 계정을 지정합니다. |
-pw | 사용자 Password를 지정합니다. |
-n | It defines the node to access to execute command. If omitted, it will access to execute command for local node. |
-p | It defines the port to access to execute command. If omitted, it will access to the default value which is 4321, and when you define specific port number as heartbeat, enter this followed by --p. |
-resourcecommand | It defines resource command. (add, delete, enable, disable, monitor, modify, link, unlink, local, Global, Online, Offline, Offlineprop, Probe, clear, list) |
resource | It enters resource name. |
-a | [list] It defines the attribute value that should be listed if it is command. |
-t | It defines resource type when it is [-add] command. It specifies time interval when it is [-monitor] command. |
-g | It defines group name to be managed. |
-n | It defines node name to be managed. |
Add testResource of application resource type on testGroup.
mcres -add testResource -t Application -g testGroup |
Delete testResource.
mcres -delete testResource |
Enable testResource.
mcres -enable testResource |
Disable testResource.
mcres -disable testResource |
It monitors a resource in every interval. 주기가 지정되지 않은 경우에는 3초가 기본값으로 지정됩니다.
mcres -monitor [testGroup] [-t interval(seconds)] |
It monitors testResource every 10 seconds.
mcres -monitor testGroup -t 10 |
Modify a value of attribute of testResource in a node.
mcres -modify testResource -a attribute value [ -n node] |
Modify a value of ‘User’ attribute of testResource to administrator in testNode.
mcres -modify testResource -a User administrator -n testGroup |
Make a dependency link among resources.
Make a dependency link between the resource1 as parent and the resource2 as child.
mcres -link resource1 resource2 |
Delete a dependency link between the resource1 and the resource2.
mcres -unlink resource1 resource2 |
Set a value of attribute of the resource per node.
It is used locally so that other values can be inserted for attribute values of all the nodes.
(Modify command should be used to change the value.)
mcres -local testResource -a attribute |
Set a value of attribute of the testResource to all node.
It is used publicly so that values can be inserted with common values for all nodes.
mcres -global testResource -a attribute [value] |
Set a User’ attribute of the testResource to administrator.
mcres -global testResource -a User administrator |
Bring online testResource on testNode.
mcres -online testResource -n testNode |
Take offline testResource on testNode.
mcres -offline testResource -n testNode |
Take offline the resource including its parent resource(s) of testResource on testNode.
mcres -offlineprop testResource -n testNode |
Probe testResource on testNode.
mcres -probe testResource -n testNode |
Remove fault mark on testResource of testNode.
mcres -clear testResource [ -n testNode] |
Print current resource state.
mcres -list [resource [ -a attribute]] | [-g group [-a attribute]] |