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오라클 리스너오라클 데이터베이스의 리스너(Listener) 프로세스를 제어하는 리소스입니다. |
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사용자 계정은 홈디렉토리 소유자와 일치해야 합니다. |
[그림]오라클 리스너 리소스 추가 화면
상태 | 설명 | |
오프라인 | 리스너 프로세스가 종료된 상태입니다. | |
온라인 | 리스너 프로세스가 실행중인 상태입니다 | |
장애 | 리스너 프로세스가 온라인 상태에서 종료 과정을 거치지 않고 종료되었습니다. |
속성 | 설명 | 타입 | 기본값 | 수정 |
OracleHome | 오라클 데이터베이스 소프트웨어가 설치된 폴더 경로 | STRING | 없음 | O |
User | 오라클 리스너 실행 사용자 계정 | STRING | 없음 | O |
Listener | 오라클 리스너 이름 | STRING | 없음 | O |
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This resource controls the listener process of the Oracle DB. |
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Selects a resource type for the Oracle listener in your resource addition wizard.
- Oracle home directory - Enter the directory path for Oracle.
Oracle user - Enter the user account where you will run the listener process.
Note User account must match the owner of the home directory.
Oracle listener - Enter the listener name.
[Figure]Add Oracle Listener Resource
Select resource type → right click → delete resource.
The deleted resource will immediately disappear from the management web console.
The following table explains the status changing of the MCCS resource caused by a user's command and the status.
Oracle listener agent: Manages the Oracle listener registered in MCCS.
Status | Agent's functions | Descriptions | Note |
Online | Offline | Terminates the listener process using the "lsnrctl stop" command. | |
Monitoring | Inquires about the listener process in the system process table. | ||
Offline | Online | Starts the listener process using the "lsnrctl start" command. | |
Monitoring | Inquires about the listener process in the system process table. | ||
Fault | Online | Starts the listener process using the "lsnrctl start" command. If the service is already running, terminate the service through the finish process and start it again. | |
Monitoring | Inquires about the listener process in the system process table. | ||
Clean | If the listener process is already running, terminate it forcibly. |
Show the unique attribute of oracle listener resource.
Attribute | Descriptions | Type | Default | Modification |
OracleHome | Path for the Oracle database software installation | STRING | None | O |
User | Oracle listener execution user account | STRING | None | O |
Listener | Oracle listener name | STRING | None | O |
Attribute value of ArgList arguments are the values that are added resources and the value can be changed or viewed through ’Specified Attribute’ list on the detailed information panel.