7-13 Oracle Listener

7-13 Oracle Listener

This resource controls the listener process of the Oracle DB.

이 페이지의 주요 내용


Selects a resource type for the Oracle listener in your resource addition wizard.

  1. Oracle home directory - Enter the directory path for Oracle.
  2. Oracle user - Enter the user account where you will run the listener process.

    User account must match the owner of the home directory.

  3. Oracle listener - Enter the listener name.

[Figure]Add Oracle Listener Resource



Select resource type → right click → delete resource.
The deleted resource will immediately disappear from the management web console.


The following table explains the status changing of the MCCS resource caused by a user's command and the status.
Oracle listener agent: Manages the Oracle listener registered in MCCS. 

StatusAgent's functionsDescriptionsNote

Terminates the listener process using the "lsnrctl stop" command.

MonitoringInquires about the listener process in the system process table. 

Starts the listener process using the "lsnrctl start" command.
If the service is already running, terminate the service through the finish process and start it again.

MonitoringInquires about the listener process in the system process table. 

OnlineStarts the listener process using the "lsnrctl start" command.
If the service is already running, terminate the service through the finish process and start it again.
MonitoringInquires about the listener process in the system process table. 
CleanIf the listener process is already running, terminate it forcibly. 




Show the unique attribute of oracle listener resource.

OracleHomePath for the Oracle database software installationSTRINGNoneO
UserOracle listener execution user accountSTRINGNoneO
ListenerOracle listener nameSTRINGNoneO

Attribute value of ArgList arguments are the values that are added resources and the value can be changed or viewed through ’Specified Attribute’ list on the detailed information panel.