Appendix D- StandAlone

Appendix D- StandAlone

Without considering merges of other nodes defined as cluster member nodes, based on the configuration file of the defined node, run the engine to operate service at one node. 

Table of Contents

Standalone Mode


MCCS intends to provide interruption-free service by dualizing the server.
However, during service operation, as some nodes experience physical failures or OS failures, nodes may be unable to perform heartbeat communication with each other.
MCCS agents works as a pair. If they don't work as a pair, all operation by MCCS such as web console access will be failed. As a result, stand alone execution will be done.
In this situation, only one server is used for MCCS service, and you need to switch to the stand alone mode.

How to use Standalone Mode

The following are the steps to operate MCCS in Standalone mode. 

  1. Stop MCCS agent server (service mccs_agent stop)
  2. Add "-standalone" option at the top of %MCCS_HOME%\bin\MccsServer.ini 

  3. Start MCCS Agent server(service mccs_agent start)

Standalone Action According to situation

If mirror resource is included, it is limited to auto action in one node for user data safety. Therefore, according to the situation, there are 2 actions according to the existence of mirror resource.

<When Mirror disk resources is not included> 

NO.CircumstancesAutoStart group according to Auto Start setting valueStart Group Manually

When boot one node while both nodes are offline


When boot in one node configuration


When two servers are booted and running - When MCCS is started in only one node while MCCS is terminated in both nodes

(Apply only when Standalone option is given)

DisabledAble after remove auto disable function

When two servers are booted and running - When MCCS is terminated in one node while MCCS is executing in both nodes

N/AAble after remove auto disable function

When two servers are booted and running - When one node is terminated with MCCS is executing in both nodes


<When Mirror disk resources is included>

No.CircumstancesAutoStart group according to AutoStart setting valueStart Group Manually
1When boot one node while both nodes are offlineDisabledAble after remove auto disable function

When two servers are booted and running - When MCCS is started in only one node while MCCS is terminated in both nodes

 (Apply only when Standalone option is given)

3When two servers are booted and running - When MCCS is terminated in one node while MCCS is executing in both nodesN/AAble after remove auto disable function
4When two servers are booted and running - When one node is terminated with MCCS is executing in both nodesN/AAble


Steps to remove Standalone Mode

When the server with problem is back to normal, server operator should remove Standalone mode and continue server redundancy process as shown below.
Operating services will not be affected by MCCS agent being stopped and restarted. Steps to remove Standalone mode are shown below.


  1. Stop the MCCS service on the server that had problem.
  2. Stop the MCCS service on server that had problem.
  3. Delete '-standalone' in MccsServer.ini file and save on active server.
  4. Start MCCS agent service on active server.
  5. Start the MCCS agent service on the server that had problem.
  6. Connect to MCCS console and check the state of MCCS service.