Appendix B - Keywords of MCCS
Appendix B - Keywords of MCCS
When you use the MCCS, you can create your defined name of cluster, node, group, resource and etc.
There are restrictions that should be followed when register a name for these.
The name should consist of Korean or English or Chinese, dash(-), underscore(_). (*Special characters, blanks are not allowed.)
This Appendix will introduce the keywords reserved for MCCS service operation.
Table of Contents
Keywords Lists reserved for MCCS
Keywords Lists | ||||||
Actions | ActionState | AdapterName | Address | AgentState | Application | ArgList |
Arguments | AutoDisabled | AutoFailover | AutoFaultCearTime | AutoResolveSplitBrain | AutoRestart | AutoStart |
BatchAfterOffline | BatchAfterOnline | BatchBeforeOffline | BatchBeforeOnline | BatchTimeout | BootMode | ChkDsk |
ChkDskArg | CleanProgram | CleanTimeout | ClearProgram | CLI | Cluster | ClusterName |
CONFIG_ERROR | ConnectedUsers | CONSOLE | Critical | DevicePath | DevPath | DirtyBit |
Disk | DiskDUID | DNSServer | DoFsck | Domain | DomainMemberServer | DomainName |
DRBD | DRBDVolumeName | DriveLetter | Enabled | ERROR_SPLIT | EXITED | EXITING |
ExpirationDate | FAILOVER | Failoverable | FAULTED | FaultOnMonitorTimeouts | FileSystem | FilesystemType |
ForceUnmount | ForcibleTermination | FsckOpt | GI | GIStatus | Group | GroupLimit |
GroupName | HALicense | HBInterval | HBPort | HBTimeout | Home | HostID |
INITING | InteractWithDesktop | IP | IPResName | IsolationTestAddresses | IsolationTestTimeout | Key |
KillBusyApps | LastMirrorOnlineTime | LastOnline | LastPrimary | LastSource | LicenseType | LOCAL_BUILD |
Locked | LogBackupCount | LogFileSize | LogLevel | MaxDependencyLevel | MetaDataType | MetaDisk |
MinitorProgram | MirrorDisk | MirrorIP | MirrorNetConnectStatus | MirrorPort | MirrorRole | MirrorState |
MirrorTimeout | MirrorType | MirrorVolume | Monitored | MonitorInterval | MonitorProcesses | MonitorProgram |
MonitorTimeout | Mount | MountOpt | MountPoint | NetBIOS | Netmask | NIC |
NICResName | NoAction | Node | NodeFaultDetectionTime | NodeName | NodeState | NormalShutdown |
OfflineMonitorInterval | OfflineTimeout | OnlineCount | OnlineRetryLimit | OnlineTimeout | OnlineTrustTime | OnlineWaitLimit |
OOS | Parallel | Partition | Password | Path | PingRetryTime | PingTimeout |
Prallel | PreActive | PreemptWaitCount | Primary | PrimaryHB | PrimaryHBStatus | Process |
ProtocolType | PrType | REMOTE_BUILD | REMOTE_DISCOVERING | ResName | Resource | ResourceLimit |
RestartLimit | ResyncNeed | ResyncRate | ResyncTotal | RMIConnectionTimeout | RUNNIG | SB0Policy |
SB1Policy | SB2Policy | SCSILock | SecondaryHB | SecondaryHBStatus | Service | ServiceName |
SingleNodeCluster | SourceIP | SplitBrainStatus | StandAlone | StartProgram | StartupDirectory | State |
Status | StopProgram | strCS | strDS | strRO | SWITCHOVER | Synced |
SysLogLevel | SYSTEM | TAKEOVER | TargetIP | TargetNodeList | TestAddressList | TimeAquiredSourceRole |
TLocked | ToerlanceLimit | TotalSpace | Type | UNKNOWN | UsedSpace | User |
VirtualDevice | VirtualName | VolumeGroup | WindowsService |
, multiple selections available,