Appendix D. Preferences of MCCS

Appendix D. Preferences of MCCS


In the MCCS menu bar, select 'Windows (W)' and then 'Environment Setting' to check and modify user accounts, licenses, logs, sessions and UIports.



Table of Contents




The Simple Network Management Protocol(SNMP) is an internet-standard protocol that devices can share information about their current state using a message format. SNMP provides a standardized framework and a common language used for the monitoring and management of devices in a network.

MCCS supports SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocal) trap and can send an event message to a device in a network. It supports SNMP version 1, version 2c and version 3. 

Configuring SNMP

You can add, edit, delete and view the SNMP configuration by select the node.

[Figure] Configuring SNMP

Adding SNMP

1) Select 'Add' button in the bottom of the SNMP pane.

[Figure] Adding SNMP

2) Select the SNMP version and click 'OK' button.

[Figure] Selecting SNMP version

3) Select the security level in case of version 3 and click 'OK' button.

[Figure] Selecting security level

4) Enter the properties. If two or more values are entered, they will be separated by "," in destination IP. 

[Figure] Entering properties

[Figure] Entering properties of security level                                          [Figure] Entering properties of security level                                         [Figure] Entering properties of security level

Editing SNMP 

Select 'Edit' button in the bottom of the SNMP pane.

[Figure] Editing SNMP   

Deleting SNMP

Select 'Delete' button in the bottom of the SNMP pane.

[Figure] Deleting SNMP

[Figure] Warning message of deleting SNMP

Synchronizing the SNMP settings

When configuring of SNMP has complete, the properties are applied onto both nodes in the cluster. 
But this will be only applied on the node when the peer node is isolated in the cluster. In this case, this can be synchronized by clicking 'Sync' button. 

[Figure] Synchronizing the SNMP settings.

[Figure] Warning message of synchronizing the SNMP

User account setting(Accounts)

You can edit, add and delete an user account.

User account screen

You can check an account at each node.  


[Figure] User Account Setting 

Admin edit screen

You can change the password and language for admin ID.
You cannot change the user roles


[Figure] User Account Setting 

[Figure] User Account editing 

Adding an account

1) Select 'Add Account' in the bottom of the add account screen.

[Figure] Adding Account in the User Account Setting

2) Enter the user ID, password, language, roles (Administrator/Monitor).

[Figure] Adding an account

If you uncheck 'Add User Accounts for Every Node', a new account will be set only for the current node in use.

The following is the detail of user roles.

1AdministratorIt means the manager for MCCS. The manager can view the status and execution of all the commands in MCCS.
2MonitorIt is a user that can only check the status of resource group in the MCCS console.

3) The screen is displayed after successfully adding it. You can see that an account is added to the WIN-2012R2-02 node only.

[Figure] Finishing a Node Where User Account is Added

[Figure] Node Where User Account is Not Added

Modify the newly created account

You can modify the language and the user roles for this account.
You cannot change the user ID or password.

[Figure] Finishing a Node Where User Account is Added  

[Figure] User Account Modification

You can delete it from the both nodes or only from the current node.
But, you cannot delete the admin account.

[Figure] Newly Created Account Deletion  


 [Figure] Newly Created Account Deletion

You can refresh the screen to newly sort the user IDs at each node.

[Figure] Refreshing User Account

If different accounts are found at two nodes, you can unify them under the account on either node.
In addition, if the account file on one node is deleted, you can synchronize the account and retrieve it from the other node.

[Figure] User Account Synchronization

License information

Can check the status of license for each node.

[Figure] License Information


Can adjust the color for each log message level and select the range of log information.

[Figure] Logging Setting

Session information

At each node, you can check the access address/time and the user roles for the given ID.

[Figure] Session Information

UI 설정

UI에 접속하는 접속 Port를 확인하고 수정할 수 있습니다.

사용자의 접속유지시간을 확인하고 수정할 수 있습니다.

[그림] UI Config 화면

기능 설정

현재 사용중인 기능을 확인하고 사용하지 않는 기능을 해제할 수 있습니다.

해제 할 경우 관련 리소스를 사용할 수 없으며, 관련 리소스가 이미 등록되어 있는경우 해제가 불가능합니다.

[Figure] Feature Setting