5. Resource Group
A resource group is a set of resources and MCCS failover the entire resources in a group when failure is occurred.
MCCS performs failover of nodes on a group basis. Thus, you need to group the resources in the unit of failover.In addition, within a cluster, you can create multiple groups.
Table of Contents
Resource Group Attribute
Group attribute can be identified from Group Attributes view and Group State view.
From the group management view of MCCS web console, select group, then select the ‘Group Attributes’ tab located on right top of detailed information panel.
The values of gray colored are for read only. They just contain and show the information of group state. The values of white colored are configurable by user definition.
[Figure] Group Attribute View
Attribute | Description | Type | Default | Edit | Note |
ActionState | It represents the action status for the ongoing group. | STRING | X | ||
AutoDisabled | Automatically disabled. | BOOLEAN | false | X | |
AutoFailover | Determine whether to perform automatic failover when trouble occurs within the group. | BOOLEAN | true | O | |
AutoFaultClearTIme | A failover occurs after trouble is detected, and it remains online for the given time limit. After that, all the trouble status will be removed. | INTEGER | 0 sec | O | |
AutoRestart | If a group is not started because of failures in resource for detection, determine whether to automatically start it when the resource or node is normalized. | BOOLEAN | false | O | |
*AutoStart | When the engine starts, it will notify when the group will be started automatically. | BOOLEAN | true | O | |
AutoStartNode | Set a node which group can be online while remote node being joined in a cluster after MCCS main process is started. | STRING | NONE | O | |
BatchAfterOnline | Set the batch file to run after a group goes online. | FILE | O | ||
BatchBeforeOffline | Set the batch file to run before a group goes offline. | FILE | O | ||
BatchTimeout | Designate the time out for running the batch file. | INTEGER | 300 sec | O | |
Enabled | It allows group to be managed.If the attribute value is set to 'false', a group cannot be controlled. | BOOLEAN | true | O | |
*Failover | It indicates group is failing over due to failure. | BOOLEAN | false | X | |
GroupName | It is group name. | NAME | X | ||
Locked | The group is permanent locked. Lock a group to prohibit all commands and operation. | BOOLEAN | false | X | |
MaxDependencyLevel | Designate the max vertical level that sets the dependencies among the resources in a group. | INTEGER | 20 levels | X | |
Monitored | It indicates whether all the enabled resources are monitored. | BOOLEAN | X | ||
OnlineCount | It is the number of resource which is online within a group. '0' means that a group is offline. | INTEGER | X | ||
Parallel | It is a group's parallel attributes. | BOOLEAN | false | X | |
PreActive | It shows the name of node where a group was online before. | STRING | X | ||
State | It represents the group status of node (online, offline, trouble, unchecked). | STRING | X | ||
TargetNodeList | It is the list of nodes where a group is operated. Higher priority node will be primary node. | STRING | X | ||
TLocked | The group is temporary locked. | BOOLEAN | false | X |
MCCS 는 사용자의 입력필드에 대한 입력값 제한 기능이 존재하며, 사용자가 잘못 입력한 데이터에 대해 자동 점검기능을 제공합니다.
* AutoStart (true/false)
Determine whether to automatically start a group when making a new connection to a cluster in the system booting phase. (If the MCCS service is restarted or a single node is restarted to connect to operating MCCS, it will be ignored.) If a parallel group is offline at a local node or some members are online, it will automatically start. In case of a failover group, the node with the highest priority will be automatically started first. In case of locking or troubles, a group will not be started.
Group auto start option for each resource
Prerequisite | In case there is mirror disk | In case there is not mirror disk |
AutoStart should be set to true. | 1. None of the remote nodes should be FAULTED. | 1. If the both nodes are booted, the first booted node will be automatically started. |
*Failover (true/false)
It indicates group is failing over due to failure.
When it is set to true, if the following event occurs, it is changed to false.
- Group is locked or temp locked.
- The Flush command is initiated.
- A group is online.
Group State
The state of the group is determined by the state of the resources.
However, the status of persistent resources like Ethernet adapter do not affect on the status of group because these resources should be online on both nodes commonly.
Basically the group may have the following states.
[Figure] Group State View
This is a state where all the resources are online.
This is a state where all the resources are offline.
They are displayed on the console window as gray colored icons.
But a Persistent Resources (e.g. Ethernet adapter) still remain online with colored icon regardless the group offline.
This is a state where only some of the resources are online and shows as a green check marks.
A persistent resources are excluded from state determination, they do not affect the partial online state.
This is a state where one or more resources are failed and the group will also be regarded as faulted. It shows in red check marks.
The failure state does not mean that a failure is occurring at present. It only shows that a failure occurred, and refers to waiting for the administrator's analysis and actions.
Unless the administrator directly clears the failure state, and uses an attribute like 'AutoFaultClearTime' to cancel it, the failure state will remained.
CLI Use (mcgroup command)
It sends the commands related to MCCS group. Group related commands such as add, delete, online, offline, attribute edit can be done.
When you install MCCS, the initial user account ID is set to 'admin' and the password is set to 'password'.
When you run the CLI command, you need to enter the ID and the password. Otherwise, the above initial ID and password will be used.
Thus, when you change the initial user password, you must enter the ID/password in the CLI command as options.
mcgroup [-u userid -pw password] [-ip node_ip_address] [-p port] -command [ group ] [-a attribute] [-r resource] [-n node] |
Option | Description |
-h | Display Help. |
-u | Enter the user account. |
-pw | Enter the password. |
-ip | It defines the node to access to execute command. If omitted, it will access to execute command for local node. |
-p | It specifies the port to access to execute command. |
-groupcommand | It defines group command. |
group | It enters name of the group. |
-a | [list] It defines the attribute value that should be listed if it is command. |
-r | It defines the resource to be managed. |
-n | It defines node name to be managed. |
-t | It defines the interval time. |
-dep | It shows dependency of the group or the resource. |
Adds testGroup.
mcgroup -u admin -pw password -add testGroup |
Delete testGroup.
mcgroup -u admin -pw password -delete testGroup |
Bring online testGroup on testNode..
mcgroup -u admin -pw password -online testGroup [-n testNode] |
Take offline testGroup on testNode
mcgroup -u admin -pw password -offline testGroup [-n testNode] |
Switchover testGroup to testNode
mcgroup -u admin -pw password -move testGroup [-n testNode] |
Remove fault mark on testGroup of testNode.
mcgroup -u admin -pw password -clear testGroup [-n testNode] |
Initiate all command for testGroup of testNode.
mcgroup -u admin -pw password -flush testGroup -n testNode |
Modify a value of attribute of testGroup on testNode.
mcgroup -u admin -pw password -modify test -a attribute attribute_value -n testNode |
Modify the value of ‘AutoStart’ attribute of testGroup on testNode.
mcgroup -u admin -pw password -modify testGroup -a AutoStart true -n testNode |
Prints state of the group.
mcgroup -u admin -pw password -list [group [-all] | [-dep [-r resource]] | [-a attribute] [-n testNode]] |
It shows all the attribute value of the group.
mcgroup -u admin -pw password [-ip node_ipaddress] [-p port] -list [group [ -all]] |
It shows dependency of resource that belongs to the group.
mcgroup -u admin -pw password [-ip node_ipaddress] [-p port] -list [-dep [-r resource]] |
mcgroup -u admin -pw password [-ip node_ipaddress] [-p port] -list [-a attribute] [-n testNode]] |
Make a dependency link among resources.
Make a dependency link between the resource1 as parent and the resource2 as child.
Delete a dependency link between the resource1 and the resource2.
Locks testGroup temporarily.
mcgroup -u admin -pw password -lock testGroup |
Locks testGroup permanently.
mcgroup -u admin -pw password -lock testGroup -p |
Unlocks testGroup.
mcgroup -u admin -pw password -unlock testGroup |
It prints state of testGroup of testNode.
mcgroup -u admin -pw password -state testGroup [-n testNode] |
Monitors testGroup state on every time interval.
mcgroup -u admin -pw password -monitor testGroup [-t interval(seconds)] |