7-10 Shared Disk DR

7-10 Shared Disk DR

The shared disk DR resource replicate a shared disk in a cluster to an off-site DR node for disaster recovery purpose.

The shared disk DR resource is composed of three nodes that manage the shared disk. The off-site DR node is target replica, but not the member of cluster.
In other words, MCCS is not involved with automatic operation like failover, online and offline of the off-site node, so human intervention is needed to recover from a disaster at the node.

Data is replicated from the source-primary node to the off-site DR node and the source-secondary node that cannot access the shared disk recognizes the shared disk as the one having the "NONE" role.
Thus, the off-site DR node and the "NONE" node are locked and these cannot write or read the data to prevent data corruption.

Shared Disk DR resource can only register a pre-configured DRBD resource.

Table of Contents

[Figure] Mirroring Configuration

Mirror Mode

Mirror mode employs both asynchronous and synchronous mirroring schemes. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages between synchronous and asynchronous mirroring is essential to the correct operation of this.

Asynchronization Mode

With asynchronous mirroring, each write is captured and a copy of this is made. That copy is queued to be transmitted to the target system as soon as the network will allow it. Meanwhile, the original write request is committed to the underlying storage device and control is immediately returned to the application that initiated the write. At any given time, there may be write transactions waiting in the queue to be sent to the target machine.  But it is important to understand that these writes reach the target volume in time order, so the integrity of the data on the target volume is always a valid snapshot of the source volume at some point in time.  Should the source system fail, it is possible that the target system did not receive all of the writes that were queued up, but the data that has made it to the target volume is valid and usable.

Semi Synchronization Mode 

With semi-synchronous mirroring, each write is captured and transmitted to the target system. Local write completes in the source as soon as the replication packet has reached the target. Normally, no writes are lost in case of failover , but this may can be lost when both nodes are failed simultaneously. 

Synchronization Mode

With synchronous mirroring, each write is captured and transmitted to the target system to be written on the target volume at the same time that the write is committed to the underlying storage device on the source system.  Once both the local and target writes are complete, the write request is acknowledged as complete and control is returned to the application that initiated the write.  With synchronous mirroring, each write is intercepted and transmitted to the target system to be written on the target volume at the same time that the write is committed to the underlying storage device on the source system.  Once both the local and target writes are complete, the write request is acknowledged as complete and control is returned to the application that initiated the write.


Add the shared disk DR resource to a group.

MCCS for linux support DRBD which is open source as mirror disk. Therefore, DRBD should be installed in advance.
The size of disk file system that is created by mirror disk should be created with 128MB
128M space is required to store meta data that manages replication volume service. Size of meta data can be changed according to the size of the meta data.
Please refer to DRBD meta data size(Calculation for more details). 
When use both DBRB and LVM, only DRBD ON LVM is supported and LVM In DRBD is not supported. 

Mirror IP address of the cluster should be assigned a virtual IP address to represent each real IP addresses of both nodes in the primary site. So the virtual IP should be added in a group in advance.

  1. When add a resource from a group name, select a group → right click → "Add Resource". Or select "Edit(E)" from the main menu bar → select "Add Resource". Or select "Add Resource" icon from the tool bar.  
  2. Select "SharedDisk DR" from Resource Type lists and click the "Next" button. When add a resource from the SharedDisk DR resource type name, this step will be skipped.
  3. Enter the resource name and select mirror volume of shared disk in the cluster.

    [Figure] Shared Disk DR Resource Added

  4. As the "Additional Settings" button, KillBusyApps option, File System Check options are available and click the "OK" button.

    When the Shared Disk DR resource goes offline, determine whether to forcefully terminate the tasks that has used the mirror disk resource.

    When use this, fsck will be performed when shared disk DR resource is brought online. 

    Enter the option for fsck.

    [Figure] Shared Disk DR Additional Setting

  5. Click the "Finish" button to add the shared disk DR, then VIP address for mirroring will depend to this.
    (For more details about dependency, please refer to '5.4 Dependency Management' of this manual.)


Select "Resource type" → right click → delete resource.

  1. Click the "Delete resource" button and a confirming message about deleting resource will appear.

  2. Click the "OK" button and mirror disk is deleted. The deleted resource will immediately disappear from the management web console.


The following table explains the state of shared disk DR resource.

Shared disk DR agent: Manages a mirror disk, and to use this, it is necessary to install a replication program.

StateAgent commandDescriptionNote


Source(Primary) disk is accessible to read/write.


If the role of mirror resource is online, Unmount (umount) the mirror disk from the mount point and the role of mirror disk demoted to secondary and offline the mirror disk resource. 
If the mirror disk is not defined, the command is ignored and regarded as a failure.


MCCS consistently handles events of the replication component.
The MCCS event monitor is registered as an event receiver when starting the MCCS service. When a system event occurs, it will be automatically informed and it will detect the mirror disk status and role changes. 
If the mirror disk's role is primary and it is mounted in the designated mount point, it is deemed to be online. 
In other cases, it is recognized as an offline state.


Source(Primary) and Target(Secondary) disks are not fault state but locked so that cannot access both disk.


Online is performed as below procedure.

  1. Up command is excuted on mirror disk resource.
  2. Role of mirror disk of the node is promoted to Primary and it is mounted in the designated mount point. At this point, role of mirror disk of the peer node should be Secondary.

 If the mirror disk is not defined, the command is ignored and regarded as a failure.


Refer to the description of monitoring as above.


 If a writing test failed online, or an attempt to go online is failed, the trouble state is displayed.

*Failover disabled state
When a mirror network communication failure, target node or target disk failure occurs, the mirror state is changed from 'MIRRORING' to other, such as 'MIRROR_PAUSED'.
If the mirror status is not 'MIRRORING', a failover will take place and it can cause data losses or damages.
To prevent this problem, MCCS disables the failover mode if the mirror status is not "MIRRORING".
If the failover mode is disabled, no failover will take place even if manual failover or troubles occur.If mirror network has been failed and then, recovered as normal, mirror status is changed to RESYNC and data re-synching is initiated between primary cluster set and off-site DR node.


Refer to the above online command.


If the role of mirror resource is online, Unmount (umount) the mirror disk from the mount point and the role of mirror disk is demoted to secondary and offline the mirror disk resource.
If the mirror disk is not defined, the command is ignored and regarded as a failure.

*If the mirror disk is not defined, It is regarded as the offline state.


Show the specified attribute of the shared disk DR resource.



ChkDskTimeoutIt is timeout limit to complete or stop the check disk of the shared disk before attaching it . If value is '0', MCCS waits to complete the check disk before attaching it.INTEGER0O


Display the status of connection between the mirror disk's nodes.

DiskStateDisplay the status of disk managed by the mirror disk.STRING

Indicates whether the file system for the mirror disk managed by the resource is checked before the mirror source goes online in MCCS.

DRBDResNameDisplays the name granted to help DRBD managing the mirror disk.STRING

It shows the state of the mirror disk of off-site DR node.

DRRoleIt shows the role of the mirror disk of off-site DR node.STRING
DRTargetIPIt is IP address of off-site DR node for the mirror disk.STRING
DRVirtualDeviceIt is the virtual device name using mirror disk of offsite DR node.STRING
DRVolumeIt is disk device name using mirror disk of off-site DR node.STRING

If the mirror disk's file system is checked, you can use the option entered in this attribute as a parameter.
(Default= -y)

GIIt is an identifier used to determine whether each household's data copied by the mirror disk is of the latest version.STRING
HostnameIt is host name.STRING
KillBusyAppsWhen the mirror resource goes offline, determine whether to forcefully terminate the tasks that refer to the mirror resource.BOOLEANtrueO
MetaDataTypeThis is how the meta data is saved. 
Internal is used to save the meta data in the same partition as the copy volume.
External is used to save the meta data in the designated device.
MetaDiskThis is the disk where meta data is saved.STRING
MirrorPortIt is the communication port number used when DRBD copies the mirror disk.STRING
MountPointIt is the directory where the file system can be mounted. If there is no directory or if the directory is already in use, you cannot activate it.DIRECTORY

It is the OutOfSync value requiring synchronization.

If the value is non zero, it means that there is some data between the nodes not yet copied or synchronized.

ProtocolTypeThis is a data transmission protocol type.
A = Async mode
B = Semi-sync mode
C = Sync mode 
RoleDisplay the role of the mirror disk.STRING
SharedSrcIpThe Virtual IP address for mirror disk.STRING
SharedVolumeIt is the name of block device  actually used by mirror disk.STRING
SyncedDisplay sycnrhonization job rate when volume is synchroningINTEGER
TotalSpaceIt represents the total size of the target mirror disk.INTEGER0X
UsedSpaceIt represents the available size of the target mirror disk.INTEGER0X
VirtualDeviceThis is a virtual device name for source mirror disk STRING

Specified attribute values are normally entered when add the resource, This value can be edited or viewed through 'Specified Attribute' table in the Resource Attributes tab on the detailed information panel.

MCCS has function to limit input values against user's input field, and it provides function detects automatically data which is input wrong by user's mistake.

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